Mission Trip Application Form

Participation on a Missions Team is determined by discretion of the leadership. Not every trip or team is a good fit for everyone.

Spiritual Information

Talents & Work Experience

Health Information

Personal Information

As a short-term missionary participating with Cornerstone Church short-term missions, we are reminded that we are ambassadors of the Lord Jesus Christ. As we go to minister, we do not only represent Him but also Cornerstone Church. This is a tremendous responsibility; consequently we confess our dependence on the Holy Spirit that we will be above reproach in our actions and attitudes in every area.

In signing below, you are agreeing to uphold the standards of conduct, dress and Christian lifestyle that is expected of being this type of representative. Also, agreeing to the below statement:
Each team member serves at their own risk. Cornerstone Church is not liable in the event of sickness, accident, death, or terrorist acts or for transportation and any other expense beyond normal involvement. Once the tickets are purchased, there is no refund of funds.